Archive for the Biography Category


Posted in Biography with tags , on June 10, 2017 by u2isgr8

sullyI tend to be the one giving my Dad books to read, but occasionally he gives one to me.  In this case, his recommendation meant a lot.  As a life long lover of all things aeronautic, the fact that my Dad wanted me to read this was enough to cause me to do so with interest.  And it repaid me well.

Chesley B. Sullenberger III is the pilot who landed his full jet airliner in the Hudson River after losing both engines to a bird strike shortly after taking off from La Guardia airport in New York.  He use this incident to provide the impetus for a thesis that says all that came before that moment culminated in the success of that flight, in which no life was lost.

We are the sum of our experiences.  His life is interesting, as all are to me, but his point is well taken.  I found his tone, spirit, and thesis compelling.  A worthy piece of biography for anyone concerned with such virtues as courage, fortitude, and compassion.